Engage your perfect candidate from day one

Let us promote your employer brand by doing staffing, recruitment, and on-boarding the right way.

Looking for high quality

personnel placement services?

With our industry expertise, hiring us is a security for your business!

Thorough understanding of our client's needs is a key to our success. We take the time to understand what your preferences are and to learn about who you are as a business, which will in turn help us source the best candidates you could imagine.

We offer comprehensive candidate screening to ensure that the applicants meet your job requirements and have the necessary skills, experience, and qualifications.

We have access to a wide pool of candidates that are well-qualified for the job, including those with specialized skills and experience.

An Image of a Human Resource Solutions Professional

We maintain open and effective communication with both our clients and candidates throughout the hiring process to ensure a smooth and successful placement.

At Wow HR Solutions, we pride ourselves in being proactive in our recruitment efforts by actively seeking out candidates through a variety of channels and not simply relying on applications.

We work quickly and efficiently to fill positions, while still maintaining quality in the recruitment process. Flexibility and customization is a must for our business success. We will customize our services to meet the specific needs of each client, including adjusting our recruitment strategy or screening process as needed.

We offer post-placement support to both the client and candidate after the placement has been made, to ensure that the new hire is successfully integrated into the organization and that any issues are addressed in a timely manner.

Outsource some or all of your HR tasks to us. We will work with you to complete complex and time-consuming projects - from establishing your new HR department to developing your compensation structure.

Do you need ongoing HR Support? We will manage and complete your routine daily HR tasks. Whether it is employee on-boarding, writing and extending offer letters, handling time and attendance, terminations and exit interviews, or anything in-between, we got you covered.

When your payroll needs are short-term, sporadic, or based on seasonal fluctuations, we can hadle the administrative functions of processing your employees' pay while you focus on growing your business instead.

Every business is unique with unique staffing and HR needs. Bring your ideas to us and let's explore together what we can do for you.

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